[Editorial] Maximise career guidance services

An online-based career guidance system for secondary school students has been launched after it was successfully piloted in some 130 schools.

Friday, October 27, 2017

An online-based career guidance system for secondary school students has been launched after it was successfully piloted in some 130 schools.

The initiative, Rwanda Career Planning System, was rolled out Thursday, with the objective of helping students to choose the subjects that match their abilities and passions, eventually making them a good fit for their dream job.

Career guidance is one important aspect that is in short supply both within Rwanda’s education system and labour market.

This has often seen many students struggling to identify the courses that fit their aptitude and talent and even where one did not seem to have doubts as to what they really needed to do, they sometimes realise they made the wrong choice when it’s already too late.

Therefore, the newly launched professional guidance services will help the youth to make the right choices regarding their education and future careers.

This will eventually bring about efficiency, contentment and a sense of fulfillment in the workplace, ultimately impacting personal lives and the economy in a positive way.

It is now upon the stakeholders in the education system to support schools and students to easily access and make the most of the newly launched career guidance service to make sure it achieves its objectives.

There is need to ensure that students are not only aware of the existence of these professional career counseling services but are also helped to make the most of career counselors, not only at the point of choosing subjects or courses to do but throughout their education.

Career guidance services should also be extended to those in the labour market as employees – every now and then – make critical decisions that in the end affect their careers and future.