Enhance peace- Governor

The Governor of Northern Province, Boniface, Rucagu has called on the mobile telecommunication giant, MTN, to advance technology in rural areas while simultaneously promoting peace

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Governor of Northern Province, Boniface, Rucagu has called on the mobile telecommunication giant, MTN, to advance technology in rural areas while simultaneously promoting peace.

The governor was speaking at the launch of MTN mobile telecommunication mast at Nyirangarama site Wednesday in Rulindo District.

"We are very happy for your continuous partnership with Northern province. Technology is advancing tremendously but we also request you to get involved in campaigning for peace and fight against Genocide ideologies,” Rucagu appealed.

The launch of the 55-metre high mast was followed by unveiling of ten billboards on road sides of Northern Province Districts financed by MTN Rwanda cell.

The billboard had messages that promote peace, unity and reconciliation as well as condemning the genocide ideology. Commenting on the Nyirangarama mast, Rucagu said that the Northern Province had challenges of network disconnections which he expects will now be a history.

"Telecommunication is a technological need that enhances development, but development without peace is useless,” Rucagu warned. He added that of the over 1.6million people in Northern Province, at least 350,000 people have mobile phones.

According to Bosco Sendahangarwa MTN’s public relations officer, at least US$200,000(Rwf110.6m) was spent on the project.

Sendahangarwa added that the mast which has the capacity to serve 2000 people making and receiving calls also send signals at a radius of 35 kilometres.
