SC Kiyovu officials have said that Fitina Ombalenga is still with the club contrary to reports that he had joined the 2017 Peace Cup winners APR FC on a two-year deal. According to the SC Kiyovu technical director Omar Munyengabe, the club has not concluded any deal with APR for Ombolenga.
SC Kiyovu officials have said that Fitina Ombalenga is still with the club contrary to reports that he had joined the 2017 Peace Cup winners APR FC on a two-year deal.
According to the SC Kiyovu technical director Omar Munyengabe, the club has not concluded any deal with APR for Ombolenga.
"Ombalenga has a contract with us (SC Kiyovu) but we cannot stop a young player to continue with his career elsewhere. We are waiting for APR to meet their part of the bargain before we can release Ombalenga,” Munyengabe said.
In a separate interview with APR Secretary General Adolphe ‘Camalade’ Kalisa said that they have agreed in principle, but they haven’t finalised everything adding that Ombalenga could play for them in their next matches.
"We met them on Friday and agreed but we haven’t finalised everything in order to have him officially, but soon we will have him. Ombalenga could feature for us in the next matches,” Kalisa added.
He said APR are working on Kiyovu’s conditions to conclude the matter.
It is reported that APR will pay about Rwf15m for Ombalenga. APR FC have also signed midfielder Martin Fabrice Twagizimana for Rwf2.5m from Kiyovu. Twagizimana had one year left on his contract with SC Kiyovu.