Shape the nation's destiny, youth told

Youth have been challenged to seize the existing opportunities and work hard toward self-development and transformation of the nation.

Sunday, October 08, 2017

Youth have been challenged to seize the existing opportunities and work hard toward self-development and transformation of the nation.

The Minister for Youth, Rosemary Mbabazi, made the call yesterday while speaking at a retreat for members of Rwanda Youth Volunteers in Community Policing at the Rwanda National Police General Headquarters in Kigali.

She reminded the youngsters, who included the national executive committee and district coordinators of the youth organisation, to step up campaigns to curb drug abuse and trafficking, which she said compromises the future of the current generation.

"Rwanda cannot maximise its potential for national transformation and accomplish all that it has set out to do without the sustained efforts of young people like you,” Mbabazi said.

Addressing the role of youth in National development, the minister spoke at length about the vital role youth played during the liberation of the country and called for "ownership” and to take up the mantle to "lead the nation’s transformation process.”

The youth, she noted, have been making a "valuable contribution in the face of political, economic and social challenges.”

The Inspector General of Police, Emmanuel K. Gasana, commended the good work done by the youth volunteers in community policing towards crime prevention and community development, but cautioned against complacency which may erode achievements so far registered.

The Police chief challenged them to shun the wait-and-see attitude and instead tap into opportunities the current economic situation presents.

"You should have passion in what you are doing,” he said, urging them to continue being innovative and mobilise more members to join hands with leadership and Police to curb criminality in their localities.

"Remain focused, bring more members on board and work as a team in positive activities, continue to drive the national transformation agenda,” Gasana said.

He said the strength and focus of the youth volunteers has not gone unnoticed and RNP will continue to play its part to support their cause.