Children should be kept out of prison

Dear Editor, It was on a very sad note that I read the news in yesterday’s issue that most children whose rights are deprived are those that live in prison alongside their mothers.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Dear Editor,

It was on a very sad note that I read the news in yesterday’s issue that most children whose rights are deprived are those that live in prison alongside their mothers.

It is sad that innocent kids should be raised alongside criminals! This clearly implies that Rwanda is raising a generation of criminals.

Children that do not have a right to education, good health and good life can only become a threat to society because they will do anything to survive including indulging in crime.

Government should therefore work out a way such that all children are raised out of prisons. Although their parents are criminals, innocent children should have a right to live life differently but in prison they can only fall in the footsteps of their parents.
