Local Defence personnel shoots dead district employee

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI — A local defence guard in Gicumbi district shot dead a district employee whom he suspected of being a thief.

Friday, December 12, 2008


GICUMBI — A local defence guard in Gicumbi district shot dead a district employee whom he suspected of being a thief.

Ildephonse Musafiri killed Theoneste Tuyisenge, a district cleaner on Thursday night after the deceased had reportedly sneaked into the Fund for the Genocide Survivors (FARG), district store.

According to other guards who were on duty, the shooting incident occurred at 11.00 pm.

The incident is said to have happened after the local defence personnel heard a loud bang inside the district premises, which prompted their leader (Musafiri) to rush into the district conference hall which is adjacent to the FARG stores- where he found Tuyisenge breaking the store’s door.

He immediately opened fire on him. "We heard three shots inside the conference hall which made us realise that Musafiri must have shot a thief,” said one guard who asked not to be named.

Joseph Munyezamu, the district official in charge of good governance, said theft of district property by cleaners and other employees has been going on for a long time without anyone being caught. He however, blamed the guard for taking the law into his hands by shooting the suspect.

"Musafiri should have arrested the thief instead of killing him. Shooting is the last resort one should apply in circumstances in which one resists arrest or in self defence,” said Munyezamu.

By press time Tuyisenge’s body had been taken to Byumba Hospital Mortuary while Musafiri was being held at Byumba Police station. 
