Pastors vow to transform communities

SOUTHERN PROVINCE MUHANGA — Over 100 pastors from Kamonyi, Ruhango and Muhanga districts have committed themselves to playing a leading role in transforming the community.

Friday, December 12, 2008


MUHANGA — Over 100 pastors from Kamonyi, Ruhango and Muhanga districts have committed themselves to playing a leading role in transforming the community.

The pastors made the resolution during a training on ‘Purpose Driven Life’ held at EPR Muhanga Parish on Wednesday.

Peace Plan- the Rwanda chapter for Pastor Dick Warren’s Purpose Driven Ministries sponsored the two-day training.

Pastor Straton Gataha, of Peace Plan, said, "Over 2000 pastors countrywide have received similar training aimed at having pastors play a significant role in changing the perspective of churches.”

He added, "The objective is to see pastors reach out to communities, by educating, promoting government development programmes in order to enhance the role of Christians in growth, leadership and socio-economic welfare.” 

Joel Serucaca, a district official, who represented the Mayor urged the participants to promote,  the fight against HIV/Aids, poverty eradication and family planning.

He said: "The church should use its position in the community to build a foundation for development. Teach people to be God fearing, and help them to start living the promise of heaven on earth.”

The participants said that the training would help to change Church leadership, develop a vision based Christian community and engage in more activities outside the Church.
