MoH strengthens efforts towards effective service delivery

The Ministry of Health continues to expend more efforts and resources to build a sustainable health services delivery system in the country. A number of innovations and new developments have been summoned into the equation to make this a reality.

Friday, October 06, 2017
Over 800 Health practiotioners met to discuss the way forward in regard with improving health service delivery

The Ministry of Health continues to expend more efforts and resources to build a sustainable health services delivery system in the country. A number of innovations and new developments have been summoned into the equation to make this a reality.

Health practitioners signed an agreement to join a saving cooperative that will improve their finances

Charter of patients’ rights and customer care norms

On 3rd October 2017, MoH held a meeting aimed at improving health service delivery at all levels. The meeting was attended by over 800 healthcare providers including heads of hospitals and health facilities. The meeting discussed and assessed day-to-day patient complaints with intent to seek lasting solutions. The Ministry of Health views patient’s complaints as a source of feedback that informs new innovations and creativity to bring about systematic improvement in public healthcare services delivery.

The Minister of Health, Dr. Diane Gashumba called upon medical practitioners to make patient satisfaction a priority as the sector moves to ensure proper implementation of National Strategic Transformation programs and the 7 year-government program. .

"We have tasks such as improving the number of women giving birth at health facilities and maintaining the immense achievements registered in the reduction of maternal and infant mortality,” advised the health Minister.

Health practiotioners during the meeting on the way forward in regard with improving health service delivery

The Ministry of Health (MoH) established the "Charter of patient’s Rights and Customer Care Norms "with vision and mission to improve customer service delivery to Rwanda population. It also committed to provide quality health service delivery to the population in line with vision 2050, EDPRS 2 and the 7-year government program. It is also guided by a number of principles: acceptability and quality of health care, effectiveness and efficiency, inter-sectoral coordination, community participation, decentralization, and integration.

The Ministry assesses the needs of the population, sets priorities and develops the "Charter of patient’s Rights and Customer Care Norms” to meet the identified patient’s needs. In its responsibility the Ministry has a critical role of transforming the public health sector service delivery to be more effective, efficient and accountable.

Patients Complaints Management is one of the critical components for ensuring successful implementation of Patient’s Rights Charter and Customer Care Norms in transforming public healthcare system.” The meeting hopes to result into; serving patients in a friendly environment, provide patients’ service with clear information, solve patients’ complaints before appeal to higher authorities, reduce patient waiting time and improve diagnosis and treatment among others.

New savings, credit scheme established to ensure retention, financial stability of medics

At the meeting, over 800 participants from the Health sector signed to join a saving initiative. To enhance staff motivation and retention, the Ministry of Health (MoH) together with various stakeholders in the health sector championed the establishment of a savings and credit scheme, called Health Sector Staff Mutual Aid Group (HSS-MAG) where health sector staff can accumulate savings as well as access affordable credit.

The main goal is to promote social cohesion, welfare, motivation and retention of human resources for health (HRH), stimulate a savings culture among health sector workers, provide access to easily available credit at attractive/competitive rates, provide dividends based on investments of member savings, negotiate other membership benefits for example bulk purchasing or negotiated vendor discounts. Member of HSS-MAG must be salaried Health Sector workers.


During the initial year, the HSS-MAG will focus on encouraging membership and savings while the fund accumulates capital. A wider range of loan types will be introduced gradually in future years as agreed by the General Assembly.

The current loan types include:

Ordinary loan

An ordinary loan is granted at the end of each month not later than the 15th day. The maximum amount is determined by the following formula: Ordinary Loan = Savings X 2. This loan is payable in 3 years, at an annual interest rate of 3%.

Urgent loans

Urgent loan is a loan granted to a member under special circumstances like school fees, illness, fire, accident, etc. The maximum amount for that loan is Rwf 200, 000, payable in 3 months at an interest of 5%.


The employer deducts the monthly loan repayment from the member’s net remuneration and deposits it in the HSS-MAG account. No member can oppose the deduction of that installment payment. In case of resignation of the staff member before they complete paying their loan, HSS-MAG takes hold of their savings first before taking on the member’s guarantors. Loan repayment by bank transfer is also accepted.


Member savings (minimum 5% of net remuneration or more) are deducted on a monthly basis and deposited on the HSS-MAG account.

Any member can increase or decrease the amount of their monthly contributions by submitting a request before the 15th of the month (as long as it doesn’t go below 5%). This form is also available on the HSS-MAG web site.

All withdrawals are made by writing a request letter to the Chairman of the Board of Directors not later than the 15th day of each month. A member is entitled to withdraw all or part of savings.

For Partial Withdrawal, a member can withdraw an amount not greater than a third (1/3) of net savings once a year. HSS - MAG deducts 5% administrative fee in case of urgent withdrawal request (funds needed in less than 1 month).

On the other hand, withdrawal of entire savings is allowed for a member upon retirement/resignation or dismissal from employment. In case of death of a member, the next of kin is entitled to claim the entire savings.

At the end of every financial year, members are entitled to share bonuses or dividends generated from profits made on loans.

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