Tell Chaka…

In today’s interview, I talked to Banabas Mukunzi whose pretty name is Bany. He is going to tell us his experience in class. Bany is known to me, so do not mind about the way I will pose my questions to him.   

Monday, October 01, 2007

In today’s interview, I talked to Banabas Mukunzi whose pretty name is Bany. He is going to tell us his experience in class. Bany is known to me, so do not mind about the way I will pose my questions to him.    

Chaka: Yes my Bany…. it is quite long; you grew big, how you are?

Bany: I am fine

Chaka: Remind me how old are?

Bany: I am 4 years old.

Chaka: What is the name of your school?

Bany: The name of my school is Alpha Pre and Nursery School.

Chaka: Good, and in which class are you?

Bany: I am in middle class.

Chaka: When I had just come you were driving a toy car, do you like driving?

Bany: Yes, I like driving.

Chaka: Was it a landcruiser, a pickup, Lorry or a Jeep?

Bany: No, it wasn’t. It was a Prado.

Chaka: Does daddy drive?

Bany: Yes, he drives a car that has the same tyres like this Prado I am driving.

Chaka: Your class has many play materials, which one do you like most?

Bany: I like teddy bears and toy cars.

Chaka: What are some of the things you learn in class?

Bany: I learn how to draw pictures.

Chaka: Thanks Bany. Your class is filled with bright and nice colours, what are your favourite colours.

Bany: Red, yellow and green.

Chaka: Can you tell me the meaning of each.

Bany: Red means stop and green says go.

Chaka: What of yellow.

Bany: Yellow says go and go quickly.

Chaka: Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Really……………Ok. Tell me who your best friend is.

Bany: My best friend is a boy called Jessy.

Chaka: What do you like about Jessy?

Bany: The way she dances, draws her pictures, she laughs.

Chaka: Draws What?

Bany: Any thing he wants.

Chaka: Who is the most interesting pupil in your class?

Bany: The most interesting pupil in my class is called Junior.

Chaka: What does he do that makes the class happy?

Bany: Tired. 


I think you have been following my conversation with Bany (Banabus). He is such a brilliant boy with intelligent answers.
Bany has not yet known when to use (she or he).

Bany is not only a brilliant boy in class, he is also a good dancer. If one plays music, Bany can dance or show you different styles.
