Rwandans urged to use land wisely

EASTERN PROVINCE KAYONZA — Rwandans have been advised to utilise land properly.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

— Rwandans have been advised to utilise land properly.

Major General Fred Ibingira, the head the Land Distribution Commission in the Eastern Province, made the call on Monday during the handing out of title deeds to residents of the Murundi Sector in Kayonza District who recently acquired land.

Major General Ibingira, reminded area residents that the Commission was tasked to assess, distribute and make follow up on how the distributed land is being used.

To this effect, he warned, whoever would not utilise the land properly could lose it to others.

"Modern farming methods must be used if you are to realise maximum yields. This is what will speed up development in this area,” he said.

Ibingira cited Nyagatare district, where the land redistribution exercise was launched by President Paul Kagame, early this year, as being among the areas where land is currently properly utilised. 

"Harvests have increased there and the general people’s welfare is satisfying,” he added. 

Challenging local leaders to spearhead development, Ibingira called on residents to come up with different development projects.

”A good leader is the one who loves his country, and struggles to foster peace for people and development,” he noted.

Damas Muhororo, the district Mayor, reminded residents that Rwanda can not have enough land for all its citizens, and urged them to engage in other income generating activities other than farming.

Muhororo pointed out that the title deeds would guarantee residents’ access to loans to set up income generating projects- and also warned that residents who fail to utilise their land by January 10 2009, could lose it.

He further urged farmers to reduce the number of local cattle, fence off their land, clear bushes to plant high quality cattle feeds and use artificial insemination to improve cattle breeds. He also urged them to join cooperative societies.

However, residents expressed concern over the short period given to them, to develop their land.
