Tz outspoken opposition MP shot by gunmen

Tanzania’s outspoken opposition Member of Parliament, Tundu Lissu, was shot by unknown gunmen yesterday and his condition was described as critical.

Thursday, September 07, 2017

Tanzania’s outspoken opposition Member of Parliament, Tundu Lissu, was shot by unknown gunmen yesterday and his condition was described as critical.

Lissu, a lawyer for opposition party Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA), was shot several times at his home in the capital Dodoma, said CHADEMA national chairman Freeman Mbowe.

"He is in critical condition but doctors are fighting to save his life at the Dodoma General Hospital,” Mbowe told a radio station, promising to give more details later.

MPs attending a National Assembly session in Dodoma rushed to the hospital to see their colleague. Lissu is an MP for Singida East constituency.

President John Magufuli has said he is "saddened” by the shooting of opposition MP Lissu.

In tweets in Swahili, Magufuli said: "I’ve been saddened by the gun attack on Tundu Lissu, I’m praying to Almighty God that he may recover soon.”

"Authorities should pursue all the perpetrators of this inhumane act and hand them over to the legal system.”

Tanzania’s governing party, Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), said it was "shocked” by the news of the shooting of opposition Lissu.

In a statement, CCM called on the police to act: "The party condemns this violent act and wants the police authorities to search, investigate and take legal action against anyone associated with this heinous act.”
