Miracle baby brings joy to family

After the wedding bells, in many societies the newly married woman is expected to conceive at least within a period of 4 months.

Monday, October 01, 2007

After the wedding bells, in many societies the newly married woman is expected to conceive at least within a period of 4 months.

When this period exceeds, relatives, friends and the community start wondering what is wrong with the couple. The story worsens when it goes for over a year without a baby.

Others will advise the couple to visit a witch doctor or what I can call traditional doctors for help. Mugisha Jackie is one of the women who have witnessed this. Mugisha tells her story of how she spent 5 years in marriage before giving birth but trusted that God would perform a miracle for her.

Finally, God granted her a lovely baby girl she now calls Iris Uwera Ishimwe who has brought great joy into their family. Mugisha got married in 2000 to this lovely and caring husband, Rev. Sam Mugisha of St Etienne Cathedral Compound.

"After sometime I expected to conceive but I did not,” Mugisha says. 

"As I was about to turn one year without a baby, I started feeling lonely, but my husband stood with me in prayer as we consulted different gynaecologists to tell us what the problem was.”

Mugisha says every gynaecologist they approached would say that she was normal and that it was just a mater of time. Waiting was not a big problem says Mugisha but the attitude from my friends and relatives was a big challenge.

Relatives were expectant more than her husband, Mugisha wonders. She further says despite what people said about her, her husband stood by her.

It was February 2005 when God answered her prayers. She could not believe that she carried a baby in my womb after all those years. Of course carrying pregnancy for 9months was a challenge like any woman says Jackie.

"Being the first and a miracle child, I had to be patient until I delivered.”

Today the couple is happy; the loneliness that used to be in the family before Iris came is now no more. We are a happy family, says Mugisha and they thank God for His great deeds.

Iris now goes to Solid Foundation Baby’s Day care in Biryogo.
Iris will be turning 3years on October 18, 2007. The mother says Iris is such a jolly baby. Mugisha calls upon women with similar problems to keep waiting and trusting God.

Couples yet to have children should not believe in traditional doctors, they instead go to professional gynaecologists for checkups, says Mugisha.

Mugisha sends her sincere thanks first to her husband, relatives and friends who stood with her when she had lost hope of giving birth. 