African Parliamentarians meet in Kigali

- Land reform tops agenda A continental consultative workshop of the Pan-African Parliament members of the committee on Rural economy, Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment has opened today, in the Rwandan parliament.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

- Land reform tops agenda

A continental consultative workshop of the Pan-African Parliament members of the committee on Rural economy, Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment has opened today, in the Rwandan parliament.

The workshop has brought together MPs from different African countries, host MPs, Government officials and representatives from the African Union and NEPAD.

As well as deliberating on issues concerning land and wealth distribution, agricultural production the MPs will also look at how the two areas have impacted on social peace and political stability on the African continent.

The 3 day meeting will also have participant’s discus the status and distribution of agricultural land and land use in Africa and how states can develop regulatory and legislative measures likely to stimulate investment in Agriculture and food security on the continent.

According to the workshop action plan, the continental meeting will also review land reforms in Africa and come up with appropriate proposals to encourage investment in agriculture as well as promoting production and marketing of African agricultural products.

Some of the reforms will be aimed at improving agricultural production on the continent in quality and quantity and also eliminate conflicts resulting from land distribution.

Land conflicts are common on the continent which has 70 percent of the total population dependant on agricultures.

Despite the majority of the population being employed in the agricultural sector, over 200 million people on the continent are faced with hunger and Africa remains the leading importer of agricultural products spending over $18 billion in imports.

The continent remains largely dependant on Global food aid and an average African household spends 70 percent of its total income on food.

The Parliamentarians will visit different agricultural model projects in the Northern Province before the workshop ends on the 13th.
