Alpha Pre and Nursery to start a baby’s day-care

Alpha Pre and Nursery School located at Kanombe near the military barracks, is to open a children’s day care centre.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Alpha Pre and Nursery School located at Kanombe near the military barracks, is to open a children’s day care centre.

The founder and the owner of the school Pastor Winnie Muvunyi says that by the year 2008, the school will start to register children from one year and above. The day care centre is to help working parents cater for their children during working hours said Pastor Muvunyi.

"We have all the requirements a day care centre needs to operate,” said Pastor Muvunyi. She says the administration is ready to offer the best services to parents and children.

Alpha Pre and Nursery started in 2005 with only 7 children in baby class. It has now a full Nursery school with a total of 34 children. Muvunyi said that very soon they are going to start a primary school.

"We want children from nursery to continue in our primary section, says Muvunyi.”

As part of relaxing their minds, children will study half a day and spend the rest of their time at the school. Children from other schools will be allowed to stay here, says Muvunyi.

The school will provide children with different educative play materials and games which will keep them busy until their parents pick them.

Pastor Muvunyi says that they still face a problem of a bad road which is not in good condition. Another problem is lack of a school bus to transport children from their homes to school and back.

Pastor Muvunyi appeals to the ministry of education to invest more in nursery schools because it is where children need a good foundation. A child who has not got a good foundation in lower levels will not be able to perform well in future, academically.
