e-government projects to benefit from gov’t fund

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of eRwanda project Wilson Muyenzi, has said that the government of Rwanda has set aside US$38m (Rwf20.9b ) for the whole national fiber optic connectivity.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of eRwanda project Wilson Muyenzi, has said that the government of Rwanda has set aside US$38m (Rwf20.9b ) for the whole national fiber optic connectivity.

According to Muyenzi, the World Bank approved $24m (Rwf13.2b) to boost the fiber optic connectivity by creating on-line information access.

"The money will include buying bulk capacity from the coast and other related necessities to have the last mile connectivity deep down in rural areas,” Muyenzi said in an interview.

Users will acquaint themselves with information about the 30 districts of Rwanda and enhance inter-district communication across the country.

Muyenzi said that the last -mile connectivity will have all schools, hospitals, health centers and local government administrative centers from sectors to districts being linked.

He said this after the launch of 20 Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Coporation (MINAFFET) websites, under the eRwanda project on Monday. The upgrade of the MINAFFET portal, according to officials was worth $8,000.

The eRwanda project focuses on specific activities within the National Informational and Communication Infrastructure (NIICI II) plan which will have the greatest impact on good governance.

On the last-mile connectivity, Muyenzi said that the program will see Rwanda develop her national capacity to provide broadband connectivity.
