Editorial: Indeed, Rwandan leaders cannot afford to have comfort zones

The long-awaited Cabinet lineup is finally in place and it came with some changes.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

The long-awaited Cabinet lineup is finally in place and it came with some changes.

The new Prime Minister will work with an experienced team that will help him sail through smoothly.

As the President had promised, it is an all-inclusive Cabinet led by a relatively young Prime Minister, compared to his predecessor.

The team was picked from the academia, Diaspora and the professional ranks.

Women account for over 40 percent, well beyond the prescribed quota of 30%.

There is one message from the President that must still be ringing in the new minister’s ears; there is no room for complacency.

He said the team needed to work as such; a team. Roll up their sleeves and get to work.

Rwanda has faced many challenges along the way and it only managed to surmount them by going the extra mile; running where others stroll.

That has been a lesson learned the hard way and not likely to be forgotten soon.

Let it be the guiding light of the new Cabinet.

There is no doubt a lot has been achieved in the last two decades, but that should not be our comfort zone.

We have none. But we have the resolve and the resilience to work even harder. Leaders only have to use the previous presidential mandates as a template to build on.

As mentioned earlier, it is a Cabinet that still has the energy to do what is asked of them.

If they fail to deliver, they will only have themselves to blame. But if they stay focused, this country will perform even more by leaps and bounds.