Mayor urges local leaders on performance contracts

WESTERN PROVINCE RUSIZI — The acting Mayor of Rusizi district, Silvestre Habiyambere has called upon Sector Executive Secretaries to be innovative and hardworking in order to fulfil their performance contracts.

Tuesday, December 09, 2008


RUSIZI — The acting Mayor of Rusizi district, Silvestre Habiyambere has called upon Sector Executive Secretaries to be innovative and hardworking in order to fulfil their performance contracts.

Habiyambere, made the call on Monday, while addressing area Executive Secretaries and other local leaders who had convened to evaluate the 2008 performance and present  next year’s targets.

He urged the Sector leaders to put more efforts in various activities like health, education and farming and to always involve residents in development activities.

"I ask you as the Sector Executive Secretaries to always set realistic performance goals because that will help you and the district to make positive achievements ….,” he said.

At the function, the district Police Commander, Superintendent, Danny Ndayambaje urged local leaders to encourage residents to participate in community policing and to attend night patrols.

He asked area residents to be security conscious especially in areas bordering Burundi and the DR Congo by reporting suspicious cases to police in time. 

In their presentations, the Sector leaders said they had achieved over 85% of their set goals this year and vowed to tackle the remaining challenges in 2009.  
