There appears to be a transparency issue with the chain of custody of goods seized from illegal vending. Is there a consistent line of paperwork already in place, which deals with seizure of goods from illegal vendors?
RE: "City law enforcers wear clothes they confiscate from us, say street vendors complain” (The New Times, August 22).
There appears to be a transparency issue with the chain of custody of goods seized from illegal vending. Is there a consistent line of paperwork already in place, which deals with seizure of goods from illegal vendors?
Starting from when goods are seized: Description/quantity of goods, who were they seized from, date/time/location of seizure, seized by which specific security official, transferred to whom/where at what date/time/location, transferred again to whom/where at what date/time/location, and so on, with signatures at each step of all involved parties.
Hopefully, Kigali City Council will adopt such measures, as these claims and accusations can bring about costly lawsuits, once these vendors grow beyond the use of street scuffles to address their grievances.
Please take this seriously and don't just brush this matter off as "unlikely".
Dayo Ntwari