The stranger who came to Mwiza village

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful village called Mwiza, in the forest. It was called Mwiza because it was full of beautiful girls. People traveled for hours just to have a glimpse at the beauties.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful village called Mwiza, in the forest. It was called Mwiza because it was full of beautiful girls. People traveled for hours just to have a glimpse at the beauties.

During the Christmas holidays, many visitors went to Mwiza village. They all claimed that they had come to see the hills and valleys of the village yet they actually came to just look at the girls.

Now among the beauties was the prettiest girl. Her name was Cindy and she was only 13 years old. Her beauty made her so popular that friends would spend most of their time admiring her.

One day, among the many visitors who crowded the village, was a very outstanding boy. He was tall and very handsome. Cindy was so taken up by his looks that she forgot about all her friends.

Meanwhile, this stranger had come with plans of stealing a girl from Mwiza village. One evening, Cindy met the stranger on her way home. He told her that there was another village where someone as beautiful as her would become the queen.

Cindy believed that everything the handsome stranger told her was true.

Cindy was so happy and she told her friends she was leaving Mwiza village and was going to become the queen in another village. They all discouraged her, but she did not listen.

Before her parents found out, she run away and told her best friend to escort her. They found the stranger waiting at the village gate.

They walked for long crossing many bridges and thick forests.
Darkness fell and no one knew where the two best friends had gone.

They searched everywhere and there was no sign of the two girls. Later, one girl said that Cindy went to become Queen of the next village. All the elders were shocked and said there was no other village except Mwiza village.

Cindy and her friend were never found and from that day on, all children from Mwiza village never follow strangers.
