It’s what’s inside that counts

One day I saw a ripe mango. It was shiny well shaped with no spots and looked so great. I said to myself, “I will cut it open and have a snack right now.” Yuck! The mango was rotten! It seemed so good and tasty on the inside. But the inside did not match the outside.

Monday, December 08, 2008

One day I saw a ripe mango. It was shiny well shaped with no spots and looked so great. I said to myself, "I will cut it open and have a snack right now.” Yuck! The mango was rotten! It seemed so good and tasty on the inside. But the inside did not match the outside.

This mango reminded me of some children I have met. They seem very nice on the outside. They act friendly and polite. They are obedient and respectful. They tell the truth most of the time and do not cheat or hurt others.

But all these good things on the outside are not good enough if we aren’t right on the inside. The Bible says that God looks at your heart. He sees the real you inside. He knows that you sin by doing, saying and thinking wrong things.

Maybe you are selfish and sometimes you say things that hurt others. God’s book, the Bible, says that everyone has sinned (Romans 3: 23). We all have disobeyed God and your sin separates you from God.

No matter how good you seem on the outside, you are not good enough to be accepted by God. He is perfect without any sin at all. Since God loves you so much and does not want you to be separated from Him, He sent His only son Jesus.

The Bible says in Isaiah 53: 6, that God put all our sins on Jesus who took them away at the cross. Jesus died and became alive on the third day and today He lives forever in Heaven.

Listen to God’s promise in the Bible which says "For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved,” (Romans 10:13). When you ask Jesus in prayer to save you, He will forgive all your sins and give you a new clean life, both inside and out!

Then when God looks inside your heart, he sees Jesus living there. God accepts you as His own child and Jesus will never leave you alone. (Hebrews 13: 5).
