Gender based crime drops by 90% in Karongi

WESTERN PROVINCE Karongi district’s crime rate has reduced by 90 percent this year, according to Police officials. According to police statistics, there were only nine reported cases of rape of children this year, down from 140 children raped in 2005, 58 in 2006, and 50 in 2007.

Monday, December 08, 2008


Karongi district’s crime rate has reduced by 90 percent this year, according to Police officials. According to police statistics, there were only nine reported cases of rape of children this year, down from 140 children raped in 2005, 58 in 2006, and 50 in 2007.

Quoting police statistics, Superintendent Jean Marie Vianney Rurangirwa, the Karongi district Police Commander, attributed the downward trend to continuous people’s participation in fighting against crime.

He was speaking during a one-day workshop on gender based violence held at TTC Rubengera last week. Domestic violence was cited as the most rampant crime, with rape and defilement of women and children accounting for most of the cases. Available statistics indicate though that reports of women raped dropped from 50 in 2005 to nine this year.

Rurangirwa, called on all participants to help police in curbing crime.

"If we work together we can reach a zero crime rate next year, but your concrete efforts are needed,” he said.

The workshop organised by the police and army in collaboration with the district was part of the many activities organized country-wide to mark the 16 days of activism against gender based violence.

Participants were entertained with music that denounced GBV from the army Jazz band.
