MONUC accused of bogus ex-rebels

Officials at Mutobo Demobilization Centre have accused the UN Peacekeeping Force in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUC), of repatriating civilians saying they were former rebels of  the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) and former child soldiers.

Monday, December 08, 2008
Mutaboba Joseph

Officials at Mutobo Demobilization Centre have accused the UN Peacekeeping Force in the Democratic Republic of Congo (MONUC), of repatriating civilians saying they were former rebels of  the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) and former child soldiers.

According to Jean Sayizoga, the Chairman of Rwanda Demobilisation and Reintegration Commission (RDRC), MONUC has since 2002 been repatriating non ex-combatants and non-child soldiers including former Congolese and Burundian rebels.

RDRC is charged with preparing former members of the FDLR-an outfit largely made up of elements responsible for the 1994 Genocide against Tutsis.

"We have held several meetings with MONUC and showed them their mistakes. They have always admitted them but never stopped repeating the same mistakes. Normally they (MONUC) load everyone who turns up to them without screening,” said Sayinzoga.

He added that when such people are sent to Rwanda, they are sent back to their respective countries. However, some of the people that MONUC repatriates include some Rwandans who do not fall in any of the categories that are supposed to be handled by RDRC.

Sayinzoga says some of them cross over from Musanze District to Goma in DR Congo and declare themselves to MONUC and get repatriated.

According to Frank Musonera, the manager of the Mutobo Demobilsation Centre, of the 52 people who were repatriated by MONUC in November, only 25 were identified as genuine ex–combatants while the rest were civilians.

The latest example are two teenage boys, Innocent Kabebe, and Innocent Nduwayezu, both 14, who had declared themselves as child soldiers to MONUC in Goma, were later exposed as having been residents of Musanze who had just crossed to Goma.

It was discovered that some civilians are attracted by the pre discharge orientation programme that exposes the ex combatants to training and a relief package of Rwf 50,000, among other incentives.

The screening exercise which involves filling forms indicating the army division, service, rank, recruitment and forms of training has always shown that many applicants are actually bogus.

Lt.Col Deus Murego, alias Mbuyi a former brigade commander in FDLR now attending the orientation course at Mutobo, said some of the reasons blocking those willing to return include harmful propaganda being spread by the perpetrators of the Genocide in the ranks of the FDLR.

He alleged that FARDC (DRC armed forces) has at times conspired with MONUC to frustrate the efforts of those willing to return, while others fear to return to the country to begin a new life.

The FDLR, it is said, are fighting alongside DR Congo government forces in the ongoing fighting between them and the National Coalition for the Defence of the People (CNDP) that is led by Gen. Laurent Nkunda.

When contacted on phone yesterday, the President’s Special Envoy to the Great Lakes Region, Ambassador Joseph Mutaboba, said that he was due to meet with the MONUC top officials including Alan Doss, the Special Representative of theUN Secretary General in the DR Congo.  He said that he would table this issue for discussion during the meeting.
