Best performing pupils awarded

NORTHERN PROVINCE   BURERA—The ‘Nduwayezu Academic Award’ established to encourage academic excellence in primary schools in Burera district, last week awarded scholastic materials to best performing pupils in five primary schools in the Kagogo Sector.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

The ‘Nduwayezu Academic Award’ established to encourage academic excellence in primary schools in Burera district, last week awarded scholastic materials to best performing pupils in five primary schools in the Kagogo Sector.

The scheme was established by AGARATEC Co, of Sweden, and named after Dr J Baptista Nduwayezu, the Director General of the Institute of Research and Scientific Technology-IRST.

Three best performing pupils in last term’s exams from all classes were given scholastic materials including English language text books, and pens while schools were given grammar text books and Kinyarwanda dictionaries.

Handing over the awards, Dr Nduwayezu, said young people need to excel academically in order to create ground for lasting development. 

He called upon academic institutions to promote research and technology if Rwanda is to achieve the vision of having a science and technology based economy.

The function was held at Kayenzi Primary School, Dr Nduwayezu’s former school where he is said to have left a good academic record.

At the function, the area Executive Secretary, Fabris Nsabimana warned residents against encouraging children to drop out of school to engage in commercial activities.

He asked the cell administrative committees to be vigilant and ensure that all students who had dropped out of schools are sent back.
