Women train on rights

WESTERN PROVINCE KARONGI — Women members of the Duterimbere Association, in Karongi district are attending a three-day sensitisation workshop on women’s rights.

Sunday, December 07, 2008


KARONGI — Women members of the Duterimbere Association, in Karongi district are attending a three-day sensitisation workshop on women’s rights.

The training which is taking place at the associations premises in the Rubengera Sector, started on Saturday, it is also aimed at building the capacity of rural women to participate in decision making.

Talking to The New Times, Florida Nyirahabimana, the head of Duterimbere Association in the area, said women have made a tremendous contribution in nation building and need more training to that effect.

"It is evident women are influential in society which is why the government encourages their participation in decision making. Our vision is to train even those in rural areas to come up and contribute to the society,” she said, adding that the training is also in line with the struggle to fight gender based violence.

"This training is part of the activities to mark 16 days of activism against gender based violence. We will focus mainly on the women’s rights to land,” she added.

Emma Nyiramukamisha, one of the participants disclosed that her family has had land wrangles due to ignorance.

"This training is vital to me. I have for so long quarrelled with my husband’s family over land distribution. But given knowledge on land rights from this training I will manage it properly,” she said.
