Kagame has united Rwandans

RE: “The RPF covenant with Musanze” (The New Times, July 31).

Tuesday, August 01, 2017

Editor, RE: "The RPF covenant with Musanze” (The New Times, July 31).

I fully agree with Lonzen Rugira’s excellent metaphor regarding the ties of loyalty, passionate love and deep devotion between President Paul Kagame and Musanze.

We have also seen equally passionate ties on his campaign trail between him and the rest of the country, whether in Huye, Gatsibo, Kayonza, Kamonyi, Karongi, Rubavu, to name just a few in a very long list.

In real truth, what we have been seeing all across the country testifies to one most important fact: Kagame has succeeded in re-uniting Rwandans once more into one indivisible, mutually-dependent nation; there is no longer Abanyanduga, Abakiga, Abanyakinyaga, or Abanyagisaka, but one people who have transcended the artificial divisions encouraged by the poor leadership of the past.

We are now all Rwandans united in a common effort to make our country and ourselves the best we can be. And when a people and their leadership are united in this manner and are as passionately devoted to each other as we have seen over the course of the last few weeks’ veritable communion, no obstacle can stem our forward march.

Thank you Rugira for a wonderful metaphor. Mwene Kalinda