We have everything within ourselves to succeed, says Kagame

The flag bearer of RPF-Inkotanyi in Friday’s presidential elections, Paul Kagame, has said that Rwandans have all it takes to move the country toward more progress.

Tuesday, August 01, 2017
Candidate Kagame arrives to address some 250,000 RPF-Inkotanyi supporters in Kirambo, Burera District, yesterday. The RPF flag bearer also campaigned in Gakenke District, also in N....

The flag bearer of RPF-Inkotanyi in Friday’s presidential elections, Paul Kagame, has said that Rwandans have all it takes to move the country toward more progress.

Kagame, who was yesterday addressing his first campaign rally on Day 18 of presidential campaigns in Burera District, said what has been achieved over the years is testament of what can be done, stressing that the most important ingredient is unity, which Rwandans have already demonstrated.

President Kagame, along with First Lady Jeannette Kagame and their children, as well as supporters, dance during the RPF-Inkotanyi candidate's  campaign rally in Kirambo, Burera District yesterday. Photo/Courtesy.

"We have everything in place to move our country forward. If we fail, we will only have ourselves to blame,” he said.

"Everything was possible, is possible and will be possible because of our unity. With unity, there is no reason Burera and Rwanda, in general, to not develop. Together, we can reach far and faster.”

Kagame was endorsed by eight opposition political parties to lead the country for the next seven years. The parties have for the past weeks been on the campaign trail with him.

He emphasised the philosophy that was introduced by RPF and which has since taken root among Rwandans, one of Rwandans taking responsibility and ownership in developing their country and finding solutions to challenges they face.

"Any outside help should be considered supplementary but, primarily, we must own our problems and take the lead in seeking solutions,” Kagame said.

This philosophy, he said, has gotten Rwanda where it is today and, under RPF leadership, Rwanda will continue to challenge those who try to dictate to Rwandans how they should live their lives.

Jean-Marie Vianney Gatabazi, an area MP, commended Kagame’s leadership for transforming Burera District into a better place in 23 years.

Gatabazi said Burera had only one secondary school but today counts 45 secondary schools.

"There was no asphalt road,” Gatabazi said, "now a modern road from Base to Cyanika border is under construction. We have moved from zero per cent to 24 per cent in electricity connectivity. We are certain that in the next seven years, these figures will double. We have so many reasons to thank Kagame and ask him to continue leading us,” he said.

Kagame yesterday addressed two campaign rallies in Northern Province. Today, he is expected to address another two rallies in Gicumbi District, also in the north, before his final rally in Gasabo District tomorrow.
