Mini Trade Expo on in Huye

SOUTHERN PROVINCE HUYE— A six-day mini trade exposition organised by the districts’ private sector federation is running at Huye Stadium.

Monday, October 01, 2007


HUYE— A six-day mini trade exposition organised by the districts’ private sector federation is running at Huye Stadium.

Officially opening the exposition last Saturday, the Mayor of Huye District Aimable Twagiramutara urged business people to use the event as an avenue through which they can learn from one another on the best ways of improving their trades.

"A trade exposition like this is not only an opportunity to sell your products but also an avenue to learn from the experiences of your colleagues,” Twagiramutara said.

Responding to complaints of lack of raw materials by different exhibitors he visited, Mayor Twagiramutara called upon them to form partnerships with farmers whereby the latter will be in position to produce what the market demands.

"It is important for you to establish contact with farmers so as to let them know what you want them to produce and the quality and quantities expected. This is the essence of holding trade expositions,” said Twagiramutara.

The president of the private sector in the district, Sephrose Mukamazimpaka, applauded the efforts of the business fraternity for organising the trade exposition, stressing that it will prepare them for bigger trade fairs in future.

The president .of the Private Sector Federation in the province, Francois Rutayisire, encouraged farmers in cooperatives to embrace the cultivation of cassava because the federation has secured a ready market for their produce.

"We have secured market for cassava flour and other bi–products in the neighbouring countries and in Europe. The onus lies on you to satisfy the demand,” said Rutayisire.

The trade exposition has attracted a number of prominent exhibitors who include; telecommunication giants MTN Rwandacell who are among the sponsors of the event, and Nyirangarama, makers of soft drinks and foodstuffs based in Rulindo district of Northern Province.

The trade exposition, the fifth of its kind in the province, ends tomorrow October 2.
