IntraHealth launches HIV/Aids clinical services programme

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI—The president of IntraHealth International, Pape Gaye, last week launched an HIV/Aids clinical service programme for the Northern Zone in Gicumbi District.

Monday, October 01, 2007


GICUMBI—The president of IntraHealth International, Pape Gaye, last week launched an HIV/Aids clinical service programme for the Northern Zone in Gicumbi District.

He did this recently in the company of Usaid representative Dr Mary Kabanyana, the Director of Trac Dr Anita Asiimwe, and the deputy chief of HCSP Dr Gerard Ngendahimana among other health officials. The ceremony took place at Eglise Episcopal du Rwanda Diocese reception hall.

In his speech at the launching ceremony, the president of IntraHealth International said the organisation is currently teaming up with Rwandan communities to fight malaria through Twubakane decentralisation and health programme, which started in 2005. The programme works closely with community health agents as the first line of defence against malaria.

These agents identify and manage malaria cases in their districts by referring severe cases to health facilities. This eases the pressure on over-burdened health facilities, and saves the cost of health care for community members.

They also distribute insecticide-treated bed nets that can benefit all family members. In attendance too was the governor of Northern Province Boniface Rucagu, the Mayor of Gicumbi District Bonane Nyangezi, and the Mayor of Rulindo District Justus Kangwagye among other dignitaries.

The Northern Zone includes the districts of Gasabo, Gicumbi, Nyagatare, and Rulindo. Pape Gaye later visited Rutare Health Centre and Byumba Health Institute.

He assured the Director of Byumba Health Institute George Dada of all the necessary support to put the institution to international level, and further commended the education standards already in place and the clean environment at the institute.

He also promised to address the institute’s crucial areas of expanding the library and laboratory, and avail more funds to motivate teachers and increase the number of expatriate teachers.

Among the speakers at the function was Karen Blyth of Power point project capacity. Karen gave highlights on the objectives of power point capacity project that includes offering human resource information systems, workforce planning and policy, pre-service education and in-service training of nursing and midwifery among others.

Power point capacity project further provides technical skills training to combat HIV/Aids infections, and provides training in family planning services, by providing equipment and furniture to clinics countrywide.

Dr Anita Asiimwe who represented the ministry of Health thanked IntraHealth for their tireless efforts to train nurses and midwives.

She commended IntraHealth for reducing malaria infections, and urged everybody to control the spread of HIV/Aids infections through abstinence or the use of condoms. She further recommended male circumcision as one means of minimising HIV/Aids infections and other sexually transmitted diseases.

In his closing speech, the Governor of the Northern Province Boniface Rucagu, thanked IntraHealth and the entire team for their effort to combat HIV/Aids and malaria in the region.
