Rwandan local governments doing well in region- RALGA

Rwanda’s Local Government is among the best in the region as far as promoting good governance, decentralisation and poverty alleviation is concerned.

Sunday, December 07, 2008
Mayor Dr Aisa Kirabo.

Rwanda’s Local Government is among the best in the region as far as promoting good governance, decentralisation and poverty alleviation is concerned.

This was revealed by members of the Rwanda Association of Local Government Authorities (RALGA) at Hotel La Palisse Nyandungu yesterday.

The meeting which was attended by representatives of local authorities country-wide was aimed at reviewing RALGA achievements, challenges and failures throughout the year.

During her presentation, the Mayor of Kigali who is also the president of RALGA, Dr Aisa Kirabo, underscored the need for commitment and proactiveness on the side of the RALGA members, such that what has been achieved can be sustained.

She applauded RALGA members for the good strides made in the areas of lobbying and advocacy, capacity building and representation of the people under the local government jurisdiction, as mandated by the annual strategic plan.

"I commend all RALGA stakeholders who have participated in the implementation of programmes like capacity building, advocacy and good representation through the creation of good working relationships and accountability,” said Kirabo.

She said Rwanda’s local government has demonstrated commendable work in the field of decentralisation, fighting corruption, poverty alleviation and good governance.

She explained it is because of these achievements coupled with the good working relationship with other regional local governments, through the East African Local Government Authority (EALA), that local government stakeholders in other parts of the region like Uganda come for study tours to Rwanda.

She added that the laudable leadership position which the Rwandan local government is in, must have contributed to the responsibility it was given in Africa.

"Tanzania has the presidency of the local government forum in East Africa, and Rwanda has its presidency in Africa,” the mayor added.

RALGA has now embarked on developing the local communities to attain Millenium Development Goals as well as promoting capacity building as a way of enhancing participation of beneficiaries and transparency.        
