Disabled call for respect of their rights

WESTERN PROVINCE KARONGI — People with disabilities in the country have appealed to the government to guarantee their rights which they said have been violated for long.

Saturday, December 06, 2008


KARONGI — People with disabilities in the country have appealed to the government to guarantee their rights which they said have been violated for long.

They made the appeal on Wednesday, during celebrations to mark the International Day for people with disabilities. The national celebrations were held at TTC Rubengera in Karongi district- during which hundreds of disabled people from across the country advocated for their rights through poetry and song.

Speaking on behalf of the Association of People with Disabilities, Domitilla Kanimba, commended the government for the continuous support extended to them in promoting their rights.

"For a long period of time people with disabilities were regarded as none human beings. But the government of national unity has done its best in promoting our rights,” she said, adding that they have the capacity to develop their country like other Rwandans.

"Once we are given rights to things like education, we can contribute a lot towards developing our nation. And we have previously made a number of achievements including contribution to the law making process,” she added.

Kanimba, a blind, pointed out that disabled people should not only remain beggars but should rise to prominence in changing the society.

"We always strive not to be called beggars but vital figures in the society. Even those who are begging lack support,” she said.

The government of Rwanda passed a law protecting people with disabilities and most of the buildings currently being constructed have consideration for disabled people.

Speaking as the chief guest, Celestin Kabahizi, the governor of Western Province, reaffirmed the government commitment to promoting the rights of disabled people in the country.

"On behalf of the government, a lot of support will be extended to you through cooperation with our development partners, because you are among the core contributors to this country’s progress,” he said.

People with disabilities in Karongi have formed different associations that make different items including clothes and baskets.
