Local leaders warned on corruption

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI – The Mayor of Gicumbi district, Bonane Nyangezi has warned local leaders against corruption, saying it retards development.

Saturday, December 06, 2008


GICUMBI – The Mayor of Gicumbi district, Bonane Nyangezi has warned local leaders against corruption, saying it retards development.

He was addressing members of the district Advisory Council, Cell Executive Secretaries, Sector and district community development committees (CDC), attending a one-day seminar at Hotel Urumuli on Friday.

The seminar was sponsored by the Community Development Support Project (PADC) aimed at harmonising district administrative structures and specialised committees for sustainable development.

According to the PADC technical advisor, Etienne Ndimukaga, participants would be briefed on reporting systems, information management, data collection and analysis using manual and ICT systems.

Nyangezi advised participants to utilise the training to improve their service delivery.

"We are all servants of the people, the reason we need to evaluate our performance at all times,” said Nyangezi.

Among those who were expected to make presentations at the seminar are: the Director General of the Human and Institutional Development Authority (HIDA) Charles Karake, Nepo Rugemintwari, of the National Decentralisation and Implementation Secretariat (NDIS) including officials from the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda.
