Students advised to abstain from casual sex

WESTERN PROVINCE The Bishop of the Anglican Church in the Rusizi and Nyamasheke districts, Geoffrey Rwobusisi, has cautioned students against indiscipline during the holiday period.

Thursday, December 04, 2008


The Bishop of the Anglican Church in the Rusizi and Nyamasheke districts, Geoffrey Rwobusisi, has cautioned students against indiscipline during the holiday period.

The bishop encouraged the students to desist from genocide ideology, ethnic divisionism and instead promote peace, unity and reconciliation in the region.

He was opening a civic education seminar for about 150 primary and secondary school students drawn from Rusizi and Nyamasheke districts on Tuesday.

The six-day workshop organised by the Anglican Church in the region is being held at the Peace Guest House in Kamembe sector, Rusizi district.

The trainees aged between 15-25 years were drawn from various Anglican parishes in the two districts. Participants were further encouraged to abstain from casual sex and to work with the government in the fight against HIV/Aids.

On family planning, the bishop asked the students to encourage area residents to produce a few children whom they can afford to look after.

"I advise each and every student in this seminar to always work with government organs in promoting civic education, good governance, social development and community policing in your residential areas because that is when our country will achieve its Vision 2020,” Rwobusisi said.

Speaking to The New Times shortly after opening the seminar, Rwobusisi explained that they normally organise such workshops during every third term holiday to equip the youth with skills that would enable them to become role models in society.

The students hailed the Anglican Church for organising the workshop which they said would influence their conduct. 
