Why are security organs failing to act on homos?

They are at it again. This time, with the audacity to write to Parliament, and even the President! Is this country running crazy?

Sunday, September 30, 2007

They are at it again. This time, with the audacity to write to Parliament, and even the President! Is this country running crazy?

The homosexuals are pushing our lenience beyond limits.  Homosexuality is a criminal offence, with clearly prescribed laws against it in our penal code.

Who gives these self-declared criminals this clout? And Ethics Minister is the wrong officer to address this case. It is a criminal not a moral matter and should be handled by the appropriate organs! And why is Police silent?

Reacting to the media as to why Police could not arrest confessed homos, Police Spokesman Asani Kasingye, argued that since they had not been ‘caught in the act’, there was no way they could be arrested!

Now Afande, how would you react if tomorrow, one Amon called a press conference, pronounced himself a rebel, and proceeded to declare war against Uganda?

Would Police and sister security agencies ‘wait to catch him in the act’? Whether or not they are using it as a ploy to seek Western sympathy and ‘asylum’ as satirical Buwembo once observed, they remain criminals!!

If the existing laws are weak, we pray for the Kinobe Bill (homosexuality bill) coming soon in parliament to yield a tougher law that will scare those intending to parade their decadence, from even thinking about it.

‘Democracy’ is slowly denigrating this country into anarchy. This can’t continue!