Kantarama hands over provincial seat

WESTERN PROVINCE KARONGI — The former governor of the Western Province, Penelope Kantarama, recently appointed Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Internal Security, on Monday handed over the provincial seat to her successor Celestin Kabahizi.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008


KARONGI — The former governor of the Western Province, Penelope Kantarama, recently appointed Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Internal Security, on Monday handed over the provincial seat to her successor Celestin Kabahizi.

The ceremony presided over by the state minister for Local Government; Christine Nyatanyi, took place at the province’s auditorium.

The incoming governor had served as a vice Rector in charge of Finance at the Kigali Institute of Education (KIE).

Handing over the mantle, Kantarama highlighted different achievements and challenges in the province including the province’s sources of revenue.

She said the province has many income generating activities but more efforts are needed to explore them effectively.

"The Western Province has many resources that can generate income especially the tourism sector. But joint efforts are vital in exploring them,” she said.

She cited residents who were recently affected by heavy rains, lack of radio and television signals in parts of the province and conflicts among area districts leaders as being among the issues that need urgent attention.

A number of district executives in the Province were recently suspended due to internal squabbles.

The districts, whose leaders were fired, include Rubavu, Rutsiro, Rusizi and Nyabihu. Ngororero district has also shown symptoms of internal squabbles, Kantarama warned.

In his speech, the new governor likened his determination to the US President-Elect’s slogan ‘Yes we can’, saying he was ready to face the challenges.

He cautioned districts leaders and all Sector Executive Secretaries to pull up their efforts in order to restore the seemingly tainted image of the province.

"I am very sure that we shall work closely and overcome all these issues that have out numbered successes in this province. We should adopt the same creed of ‘yes we can, and do it’,” Kabahizi, said.

"Once we manage to maintain the enforcement of the rule of law, ensure team work and team sprit, management of information systems and have self confidence in solving issues, there is no way we can fail to make our province an engine of the country’s economy,” he added.

He called on everyone to take part in implementing different activities including construction of homes for genocide survivors, decentralising ICT to the cell level and curbing genocide ideology in the province.

The ceremony was attended by among others; police and army officials, district and Sector officials in the province.
