Girls, style up!
Dear Editor,I think that much as we all have to be hygienic, girls ought to attach more value to this whole thing.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Dear Editor,
I think that much as we all have to be hygienic, girls ought to attach more value to this whole thing.
A boy will be dirty or smelly but it will pass. Believe me; it will cause serious alarm for a girl in the same situation.
Yesterday, I sat next to this girl in a taxi and I just couldn’t wait to get to where I was going.
Usually, you would expect someone to be relatively fresh in the morning. It wasn’t the case with this girl. She was filthy.
She had a bad breath and stinky armpits. It was very unfortunate because she looked pretty.
This is just one of many cases I have experienced.
Can someone please offer a course on etiquette and hygiene!