TVR reporters are a disgrace

Dear Editor,I would like to bring to everybody’s attention that most of the Rwanda Television reporters are corrupt.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Dear Editor,
I would like to bring to everybody’s attention that most of the Rwanda Television reporters are corrupt.

Frankly I would expect that a media body like this one is supposed to report whatever is happening in society without expecting any extra pay for the coverage they take.  

I work for a government institution and most of the time we request them to cover different activities because we believe that it is vital news to society.

When some of these reporters come to us they ask for some sort of bribes so that we can have the programmes aired.

I therefore request the TVR management to do something about these individuals who are spoiling the company’s name.

Our country is zero tolerant to corruption and such incidents are a set back in our struggle against the vice.