Why goats run away from cars

Long ago, in the Animal Kingdom a goat, cow and dog were great friends. They shared everything from food to shelter. Their children also played together and they were a big happy family.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Long ago, in the Animal Kingdom a goat, cow and dog were great friends. They shared everything from food to shelter. Their children also played together and they were a big happy family.

One day, Cow organized a trip to visit her mother in the village. She asked Goat and Dog to escort her. However, she made it clear that they would pay their own transport fare.

On the traveling day, the three friends woke up very early and boarded a bus to the village. When they arrived, Cow only paid her fare and marched out confidently.

"Thanks a lot, you haven’t put me through the trouble of looking for change,” said the bus conductor as he demanded for money from Goat and Dog.

Before anyone knew it, Goat jumped through the window and took off without paying. He kept running because he was scared of being caught.

Dog paid extra money, but he was not given his change. He demanded for it but the conductor refused.

"You are paying for your indisciplined goat friend,” said the furious conductor as he pushed poor Dog out of the bus.

"I swear that conductor will give me back my change,” Dog said angrily.

Dog vowed to keep following cars until he sees the conductor who robbed him. Since that day, whenever goats see cars, they run away because they think the bus conductor is still chasing them for his money.

Also, whenever dogs see cars they run after them to demand the conductor for their change. Meanwhile, cows continue to walk confidently on the road knowing they owe no one any money.
