Voluntary testing will lower rate of infection

Dear Editor, This year’s theme for World Aids Day, centres on voluntary testing and I really believe that is one strategy towards lowering the infection levels in our country

Monday, December 01, 2008

Dear Editor,

This year’s theme for World Aids Day, centres on voluntary testing and I really believe that is one strategy towards lowering the infection levels in our country.

I managed to get tested at one of the voluntary sites and guess what?

Even when you strongly believe that your blood is safe, the whole experience of waiting for unknown results is enough counseling to oneself.

As I waited, I began to convince myself that incase I tested negative, I will ensure that I do not mess up again. If positive, that I will accept the situation and start taking medication.

Knowing one’s status therefore helps individuals to plan accordingly. This way we can be sure not to infect other people carelessly.

Many people infect others because they do not know their status. I urge fellow Rwandans not take themes for granted but go and know our status. 
