200 students acquire vocational skills

SOUTHERN PROVINCE RUHANGO — At least 289 students of Ecole des Métiers de Ruhango (EMERU-Intwari) have received certificates after successfully completing training in different vocational skills

Monday, December 01, 2008


RUHANGO — At least 289 students of Ecole des Métiers de Ruhango (EMERU-Intwari) have received certificates after successfully completing training in different vocational skills.

The sixth graduation was held on Sunday at the school premises at a ceremony graced by different dignitaries who included the newly elected Ruhango Mayor, Céléstin Twagirumukiza, district education officials and other leaders.

The students graduated with A3 certificates in various technical skills including electricity, auto mechanics, construction, catering, information and technology.

Pierre Claver Rwamayire, the Director General of the Association des Parents pour l’ Education Rwandais (APEJERWA)-that runs the school, pointed out that the students are well equipped to compete favourably in the East African Community (EAC).

Rwemayire stated, "The use of English will be the main focus in 2009 and the certificates (A3) need to be upgraded to A2 in order for students to be marketable in the region.”

He cited inadequate dormitory facilities, uncompleted multipurpose halls and lack of play grounds as the challenges that needed urgent attention in order to accommodate more students in the next academic year. Commending the school administration, the students said they had already used their skills to create jobs.

"We are proud of the education we attained, some of us are doing well in life so far, we have become ambassadors of this school and through the students’ alumni we shall be the light for others,” one of them said.

The Mayor urged the students to spearhead development and change the attitude of residents towards work in their respective communities.

"The government is counting on your efforts in development through creation of jobs, and this calls for professionalism, innovation, creativity and positive attitude towards work and savings; so as to get rich,” he said.

Twagirumukiza also pledged the district’s support to the APEJERWA education programme and the student alumni programme – which was established to support the former students and development efforts in the community.
