Auditor General presents 2016 report, says Rwf7 billion went unaccounted for

The Auditor General Obadiah Biraro this evening presented the 2015/16 annual report to a joint session of senators and deputies at the Parliamentary Buildings in Kimihurura.

Wednesday, May 03, 2017
The Auditor General, Obadia Biraro today presented the 2015/2016 report to both houses of parliament. (Courtesy)

The Auditor General Obadiah Biraro this evening presented the 2015/16 annual report to a joint session of senators and deputies at the Parliamentary Buildings in Kimihurura.

According to Biraro’s report, public entities spent nearly Rwf7 billion without supporting documents during the period under review, while partially supported expenditure amounted to Rwf7.4 billion.

The audit covered 139 entities, including ministries, government business enterprises, projects, academic institutions, districts, among others. 

The AG says accountability standards had marginally improved across the board but called for significant improvement in government business enterprises and boards.

The report also addresses the issue of idle assets in public entities, which he said costs the taxpayer billions of Francs each year; wasteful expenditure; and fraud.

Biraro decried the growing reluctance among public entities to implement his annual recommendations designed to ensure value for money and accountability in public expenditure, adding that his previous recommendations had been executed at just 50 per cent.