Start planning for old age now

A real tragedy is brewing and it seems nobody cares, not even a single comment since this news was published a few days ago. The alarm was made and no single immediate action in response. This is indeed worrisome

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Editor, RE: "Alone and depressed: The tale of elderly persons” (The New Times, April 22).

A real tragedy is brewing and it seems nobody cares, not even a single comment since this news was published a few days ago. The alarm was made and no single immediate action in response. This is indeed worrisome.

The majority of Rwandan population, and generally in Africa are told, is composed of youth, not the elders over 50 years. That means 20 years from now, not very far indeed, the majority of Rwandans will be in their 70s...and having no one younger around to take care of them.

We will have fewer off-springs by then because that is the trend and necessity. And those few will be selfish as they are being raised in the alien Western mode and ways that are against traditional family values. Perhaps, folks, it is about time you start planning for your not faraway old days.

Leading society is like bringing up a child. While responding to immediate needs, one must also look ahead and carefully plan for the future. Or else, we are heading straight to a bitter generation of the old after slavery, colonialism, and neo-colonialism that we suffered and are still suffering. We risk ending up with morally impoverished and fretted youth, on one side, and bitter and depressed lonely parents (you) on the other.

For me, I would be already gone. Francois-Xavier Nziyonsenga