English language teaching kicks off

The recent government decision to use English as the language of instruction has kicked off in some schools, with teachers enrolling for the language alongside their students. Among the schools that have started implementing English language is St Patrick primary school in Kicukiro district.

Sunday, November 30, 2008
The decision to use English as the language of instruction is productive. ( File photo)

The recent government decision to use English as the language of instruction has kicked off in some schools, with teachers enrolling for the language alongside their students. Among the schools that have started implementing English language is St Patrick primary school in Kicukiro district.

According to Emile Ruberwa, the head of communications at the Ministry of Education,  the teachers have scheduled time and invited English teachers, who teach them during the night, while they pass the language basics to the pupils during the day.

"The teachers are so committed to learn English to the extent that they have scheduled time for private lessons ahead of the overall English teachers’ program that is yet to take place,” commented Ruberwa.

Another predominantly francophone school that has embraced the English language teaching program is Appaper primary school located in Remera.

The teachers at the school in collaboration with the school authorities have initiated independent English learning sessions for teachers, so that when the official nationwide lessons begin, they will have a prior basic knowledge which will save time and speed up the process of incorporating the English language in schools.

According to Ruberwa, the Ministry of Education is officially launching the English language teaching program sometime next week.

Teachers at all levels will be trained in the language to ease the process of incorporating the language in the academic system.

The cabinet approved English as the new medium of instruction in schools because it is widely used and offers more opportunities to students after their education.
