Minister Murenzi wins top ICT award

The Minister in the office of the President in charge of  Information Communication Technology (ICT), Science and Technology Professor Romain Murenzi on Friday won an Africa ICT achievers award in recognition of his dedication to the proliferation of ICT in Africa.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Minister in the office of the President in charge of  Information Communication Technology (ICT), Science and Technology Professor Romain Murenzi on Friday won an Africa ICT achievers award in recognition of his dedication to the proliferation of ICT in Africa.

He was recognized as "Top Minister in Africa with an ICT portfolio.”

The award was received from ForgeAhead an independent ICT research and consulting firm working across Africa, in partnership with the Department of Communication of South Africa.

Speaking to Sunday Times yesterday, Murenzi said that "it is a great honour for Rwanda” adding that "it is also an achievement of the agencies that work under the ministry like RURA, RITA, KIST, the National University of Rwanda and the Ministry of Education because of the one laptop per child policy.”

He stated that, it is also recognition of President Paul Kagame’s efforts to champion the development of ICT in the country.

"It is a recognition of His Excellency’s leadership and advocacy on the importance of investing in Science and Technology and ICT as Rwanda’s engine for long term economic growth and poverty alleviation.”

The Rwandan Ambassador to South Africa, Eugene Munyakayanza, received the award on behalf of the Minister in Johannesburg, South Africa.

In a telephone interview with Sunday Times yesterday, Munyakayanza said that the award is part of the annual Africa ICT achievers awards that are given in different categories of; individuals, organizations, ICT projects and that there is also "an overall award.”

This was the 10th time ICT achievers awards are being given out by ForgeAhead. Last year, President Paul Kagame won the African ICT Lifetime achievers award due to his ardent push for ICT development.

At the same event last year, Rwanda’s Treatment and Research Aids Centre (TRAC) was also awarded two trophies for its use of ICT in health.

This year’s Lifetime achievers award went to the president of Microsoft Africa, Dr Cheick Diarra, while an honorary lifetime award was given to former South African President Thambo Mbeki.

In accepting the award on behalf of Murenzi, Ambassador Munyakayanza said that "it is an honour for Rwanda which is known to spearhead ICT,” adding that he "was happy to receive the award on behalf of Minister Murenzi and Rwanda.”

The Ambassador further thanked ForgeAhead and the Communications Department and urged them to continue the initiative, saying it will help to bridge the digital divide on the African continent.

Last year the same award went to the Mauritius ICT Minister Etienne Sinatambou.
