A life in the day of .... A mechanic

Evariste Nsegiyunva is a mechanic (repairs car tyres) at Total petrol station in Nyabugogo I wake up at 5am and greet my wife before doing anything. I go to the bathroom at 5:30am. I eat a heavy breakfast at 6am. At 6:30am, I leave for work and I normally reach my place of work by 7am.

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Evariste Nsegiyunva removing a vehicle tyre. (Photo / S. Tumusiime)

Evariste Nsegiyunva is a mechanic (repairs car tyres) at Total petrol station in Nyabugogo

I wake up at 5am and greet my wife before doing anything. I go to the bathroom at 5:30am.

I eat a heavy breakfast at 6am. At 6:30am, I leave for work and I normally reach my place of work by 7am.

Vehicles are parked and waiting to be repaired. Some have punctures and others simply require new tyres. I immediately put on my overall and start my work.

Lifting and removing the rim from the tyre is the most difficult part of fixing tyres. I use sharp metals to pluck out rims from tyres.

If it is merely a puncture I mend the inside tube of the tire and place it back. But if it is a worn out tire, I replace it with a new one.

At 10am I am already hungry and I have to eat again to regain my energy. This time it is Katogo and milk. It only takes me 20 minutes but I take more 15 to 20 minutes resting to allow digestion.

By 11am, I am back at work. My work continues until 2pm when I go for lunch again. After lunch it is a bit difficult as am already bored with work. However, I have to keep on working till evening. It is worse when the day is hot.

I leave work at 6pm. By this time, I am very tired and hungry. Strait away I go home. At home I take a shower and head to the pub in the trading center where I meet with my friends. I leave the pub at around 9pm for my dinner at home.

After dinner, I chat with my wife and our little kid and at 10pm, we all head to bed.    

Contact: josephmunich06@yahoo.co.uk