Aunt’s corner

Dear Aunt Silvia, I am a young girl aged 17 and in secondary school. My father is a well-to-do man. We have parties in our home quite often with his business associates.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Dear Aunt Silvia,

I am a young girl aged 17 and in secondary school. My father is a well-to-do man. We have parties in our home quite often with his business associates.

During one of the parties, I noticed one of my father’s friends looking at me in a very suggestive manner. My elder sister also noticed this and asked me what I was thinking, when the man was behaving the way he was.

I did not reply and shrugged it off. Then one day, when my father was abroad, this man called my mother and said he was coming home for a visit, my mother welcomed him.

At some point, my mother asked to be excused and left the room, and he asked for my mobile number and I gave it to him. Since then, he has been calling me at crazy hours.

I am contemplating telling my father about his friend, but am afraid that this might ruin their business relationship. What should I do? Marylou.

Dear Marylou,

At your age, you are still considered a minor. Any thoughts that your fathers’ friend has for you I am very sure are not for your well being, but just to spoil your life. It is true that if your father finds out about his preying friend, he will be offended.

So, before you make that bold step to talk to you father, learn to deal with issues yourself first and be your own person. I advise you to warn that man to keep off from you. This is how young girls are lured into having pre-mature relationships.

You might as well ask the man what it is that he is going to offer in terms of those small gifts that your father cannot buy. He is a traitor, how can anyone in his sound mind try to lure the daughter of his good friend?

More over a minor! I don’t know where we are heading to with all these things happening. On the other side, I partly blame your parents for buying you a mobile phone. Why would a 17 year old need a mobile phone?
