Mainstory: The black girl and the white man’s dollar

You go out dancing with your girlfriend and the next thing; she has left you for somebody else. STEPHEN TUMUSIIME finds out why black girls run away from their boyfriends for white dudes He looks on disappointed. He turns his head and curses. It is a Friday night at KBC’s club planet. People walk in, in body hugging clothes. They all look set for the night. The music is ear-piercing but outside, it is raining heavily.

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Miserable chase. (File photo).

You go out dancing with your girlfriend and the next thing; she has left you for somebody else. STEPHEN TUMUSIIME finds out why black girls run away from their boyfriends for white dudes

He looks on disappointed. He turns his head and curses. It is a Friday night at KBC’s club planet. People walk in, in body hugging clothes. They all look set for the night. The music is ear-piercing but outside, it is raining heavily.

"Girls are crazy. The white man will never give them a coin. They are very mean,” he mumbles in a bitter tone. I move closer to listen. The young man had come with a girlfriend but she is too quick to choose on a white man in anticipation of dollars.

Again Ngabonziza (not real name) is very furious but has nothing to do. Friends stand by him but even if they put together all their efforts to defeat the white guy, the girl is determined to leave.

The white man has not spoken any word. But Ngabonziza’s girlfriend dashes to him. She smiles and the man smiles back!

Ngabonziza sits back crestfallen. He has lost his best friend. Not because he does not have what it takes to keep her but because he does not look white and no girl expects dollars out of black guys’ shallow pockets.

What is most interesting is how the girls behave. I do not know if it is because of the semi darkness or the bottles of booze that I had taken that lead me to conclude that all the girls are beautiful, but the fact is that I am not alone.

Most of the men in the club look at whoever passes. This time, it is not the girls commenting about the guys in the club. It’s the men. One tells a friend: "check out that one, oh! What a hot chic.”

Jennifer had just passed by. The guy, seated on my side, downing some of the expensive wines, swears that he will have her by his side by the end of the night at whatever cost. But he is obviously tipsy.

The good thing about booze is that you will have all the confidence about what you want and you will go for it. He simply can’t wait even for a single minute. He immediately goes for the lady. Smartly, he walks to her and gently comments; you are smart and dressed to my greatest appreciation.

"Thank you,” is all he hears from this gorgeous looking girl before she is joined by her boyfriend, Ngabonziza. My guy is left puzzled and wondering how he could have failed to get hooked up with the girl.

At this time, Ngabonziza and Jennifer look like they are more into each other and are having a blast. However, this is short-lived as reality proves shortly after.

You try to speak to them politely-hoping sense will prevail but wrong. What the girls want is the dollar. The more our young men hunt for the girls, the more the girls drift further looking out for white dudes. Like a receding mirage.

Jennifer snatches a chance when she lands on a friend who has already gotten herself one white man. She joins them probably in anticipation that this white guy could have come with some friends.

What is interesting is that she appears to have rejected her boyfriend’s pleas to hit the dance floor with her. But more puzzling, is that the white man with Jennifer’s friend is apparently not even interested in offering Jennifer a drink.

She musters courage and goes to the counter where she buys herself a bottle of mineral water. I am thinking that may be a white guy is just interested in Jennifer’s friend and that is the only chic he would spend his money on. Wrong.

Because this is not the case. Even the girl is without a drink-"starving” like the rest.

Jennifer proves to be right on track when another white appears on the same table. Jennifer creates space for him but seemingly, he has other ideas.

He does not immediately take the offer, but later on decides to have her company, probably just for the night. She welcomes him with passion written all over her face.

Everything starts to unfold here. Meanwhile, I am dancing with a broke girl who expresses her dislike for the white guys. She says they are mean.

"You think they will get anything from them?” the girl begins. First and foremost, they cannot communicate because they do not know English and for heavens sake, a white will only give you his money when he surely will have a good ‘turn’ from you.”

They are not like black boys who will just invest in a girl without knowing whether there will be marriage in future.
The two couples shift to the lovers train (comfortable sofa sets in the club). I move and camp next to them. 

The girl who declines to be named says: "I once went through all this. I know they will come out shedding tears. Whites know that black girls are obsessed with expectations that a white man is ever loaded with dollars.” The white guys use this to exploit them and later disappoints the girls.

"Most of them are even too broke to buy you a bottle of wine. They have tight budgets and they will not let a coin just drop out of their pockets,” another girl complains. She tells me that black guys are more generous than their white friends in terms of "logistics” in club.

"Black boys come loaded with their money which they willingly share with you without a fuss. They will expect you to dance with them only and will go home happy. If there is any other kind of enjoyment, it is out of a girl’s will.”

My friend tells me that she once tried all possible tricks a woman can pull to win all that is in a man’s pocket, but the white guy was too stubborn succumb.

"I even went an extra mile and proposed marriage me but this was not enough to convince him to part with his dollars. In the end, he only thanked me and asked me if I had transport. I told him I never had any coin on me and he picked Rfw2000 and asked whether we shall meet next time.

All she tells me turns out to be true when at the end; the girls emerge a little bit disappointed. The whites leave them in the seats and move out of the club. They wait for them in vain and when they emerge, you can easily tell they lost the game.

They start looking for their abandoned boyfriends who also give them a cold shoulder. Jennifer almost fights Ngabonziza when he decides to take on another girl.

White ladies

However, white women too will be found dancing with black boys if they get a chance. But this time round, it is for different reasons.

Elizabeth says that it’s fun to have a black boy who understands and who will not act wild.

"When you tend to show interest in a black boy, he takes you to be a goddess, a thing most women will want. It becomes fun when he wants to show you his best. It’s different from when you are with a fellow white. White men tend to feel proud and instead want us to bow to them. So why don’t I go for a black who will mind about making me happy and have the greatest time?” Elizabeth asks.

Elizabeth says that black boys will never request for money like black girls do with whites.

"We only know they may be broke and we give out willingly.”

Elizabeth says she likes it when a man is loaded and taking care of her by buying drinks and chocolate for her. Sometimes, she avails money to a black boy in club to do the buying. This, she says makes him feel man enough.

But in most cases black boys expect nothing out of them. They only want to be seen with white girls- a thing they look at as prestigious. 

Peter Mukunzi, who dances with Elizabeth, says that he is not after money. He instead wants to be a friend to Elizabeth.

"Being money-minded is being shallow. I only want to have more and more of white friends to balance sides and learn more of what they like and why. Or otherwise, is it not fame to be seen dancing with a white when others long to only say hello.”

Mukunzi says that some times at a later stage white women tend to be more generous and will provide you with support if they can, just because you are friends but not because you want to "detooth” them.
