The Hater: I hate people who…

…do not bother to brush their teeth. Please, this is something that everyone including Obama, Mandela and the pope do every so often. Why do you torture me with the warm stench from your mouth? A toothbrush is only a hundred francs and more so, its price seems not to change even with fuel prices rising.

Friday, November 28, 2008

…do not bother to brush their teeth. Please, this is something that everyone including Obama, Mandela and the pope do every so often. Why do you torture me with the warm stench from your mouth? A toothbrush is only a hundred francs and more so, its price seems not to change even with fuel prices rising.

…eat chewing gum and then fail to dispose it off well. For some reason these people tend to think that the best place to place the over chewed gum is under tables or desks instead of the dust bin. I am waiting for the day we do what Singapore did…ban the selling of these nutrition-less items.  

…make it a habit to insult all other road users who make mistakes. Hey Mr. So perfect, this is not the best way to exhibit your vulgar diversity. Keep your opinions to yourself and let the police do their job. There is no need for you to go around ordering other drivers on how to drive. 

…play very loud music in their homes inconveniencing their neighbours. It may be okay if it’s your birthday but not everyday. Your home is not a studio or discotheque. And who tells you that only your radio has a volume knob. Your rights are only yours if you do not become a problem to others. If you’re a bachelor, do not think everyone is. The next home may have old citizens, sick people, or sleeping babies. Be decent for once and turn the volume down.

…walk slowly on the streets of the city centre. Sometimes I feel like smacking them at the back of their heads. People come to town for business and if you really want to tour and appreciate the beauty of Kigali; Sunday may be a better idea not Monday.

This is not your home; there are tens of people behind you. Either walk fast or give way to those behind you. It is bad enough to be in a traffic jam of cars but worse if it’s of slow walking people.

Yes it is my duty to hate and I am not about to stop. Change now before my hatred worsens. Help me hate by sending your suggestions to
