Storm victims to get aid

WESTERN PROVINCE RUBAVU — Residents who were affected by the recent storms in the Gisenyi Sector are to receive building materials to erect new houses, the area coordinator Gideon Ruboneza has said.

Friday, November 28, 2008


RUBAVU — Residents who were affected by the recent storms in the Gisenyi Sector are to receive building materials to erect new houses, the area coordinator Gideon Ruboneza has said.

Addressing the Sector advisory committee on Wednesday, Ruboneza explained that the Sector authorities are working closely with the Rubavu district authority to provide especially building materials for the desperate residents who up to now are still living in tents.

The meeting was convened to address the problem of residents without shelter and to adopt the Sector’s 2009 action plan and performance contract.

"Although some financially capable residents have renovated their destroyed houses, there are many storm victims who have up to now failed to rehabilitate their destroyed homes mostly due to financial constraints. That’s why we are meeting to find an immediate solution to support them with building materials,” explained Ruboneka. He disclosed that the building materials including iron sheets and nails were already at the district’s store.

According to Ruboneka, priority will be given to most desperate residents who include child headed families, the disabled and elderly.

"We shall make an immediate survey to identify the most financially constrained people to receive the aid, these people will receive the materials in less than two weeks,” he added.

Meanwhile, the meeting adopted the sectors new action plan highlighted in the 2009 performance contracts- which are based on the four pillars of good governance, justice, people’s welfare and economic development.

Ruboneka said that the approved Sector’s performance contract will later be presented to the higher authorities at the district.

According to the President of Gisenyi Sector advisory committee, François Safari, they intend to focus more on improving security, increasing participation in community work "Umuganda’, building capacity of Sector leaders and supporting community policing among other things.

"We have also set a target of improving justice in our Sector by closely following up the work of Gacaca Courts and mediators in our Sector,” Safari said.

Other areas of focus, he said, include ensuring that all residents join the health insurance scheme, sensitise residents on family planning and ensure all children are immunised against the killer diseases.
