Relatioship: Surprises Good, inevitable

Freddy Muramira (not real name) one Sunday evening decided to organize a colourful birthday surprise for his girlfriend, Nathalie, and this made her uneasy and excited at the same time.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Freddy Muramira (not real name) one Sunday evening decided to organize a colourful birthday surprise for his girlfriend, Nathalie, and this made her uneasy and excited at the same time.

Nathalie, a dark and medium-sized 22-year old university student was almost the same height as the light-skinned Freddy.

The two had been in relationship for about three months only. It was the first relationship for Nathalie, and the first surprise of that kind.

Surprises can move mountains. If well thought and perfected, they can never be forgotten or erased from one’s memory. Some people surprise with negative intentions, while others surprise with tremendous positive attitudes.

A malicious surprise can never be erased from one’s mind, but will keep haunting for life. But a pleasant one will forever remain.

People who have experienced the later, will always welcome the chance to surprise their family, friends or even a lover.
Oh yes! Never think that one has to move heaven and earth to achieve it.

Surprises consist of doing one’s best to perfect an extra-ordinary act that some times can bring about tears of joy.
Note that when you do not plan a surprise in advance, it can backfire when it loses its element of surprise.

Freddy spent a whole month planning ahead. Relatives and close friends were also very positive when he introduced the idea of surprising his girlfriend.

"We are ready to help. Plan anything and we shall be right by your side, I am sure each one of us would welcome the idea to lend a hand,” one of Freddy’s close friends said.

Like anyone seeking perfection, Freddy wanted his personal touch letting others do things for him. On D-day, the excited gentleman made sure the fridge and table were full and availed almost everything for drinking and eating.

About 30 young men and women were also invited filling Freddy’s house to capacity. Everybody eagerly waited for the guest of honour, who was yet to arrive.

Freddy had pretended to his girlfriend that he had gone upcountry for a mission. She did not expect him back until later in the evening.

He worked secretly with his sister, to convince Nathalie and take her to Freddy’s home without her knowing what was in store for her. Among the friends secretly invited were Nathalie’s sisters and brothers.

As time passed and it got to 4:00 pm, Freddy’s sister made a phone call to her brother’s girlfriend to meet at the formers home. Nathalie did not like the request of going since her boyfriend had said earlier that he would be upcountry.

"I don’t want to come there now, I will be there in about two hours when Freddy is back”, Nathalie replied on her cell phone in a relaxed manner. Freddy’s sister insisted, adding that at home was an old lady who needed to be introduced to her.

Unfortunately, it started raining, so Nathalie had an excuse, saying it was impossible to get to her boyfriend’s home before he came back. But Freddy’s sister insisted on hiring a taxi to pick her up. Nathalie reluctantly accepted.

Before departure, Nathalie explained to her mother that she was going out but would be back soon. She informed her mother that she was expecting her friends and to beep her when they arrived.

Little did she know that the expected visitors were among the people waiting for her at Freddy’s house. The mother, who was part of the plot, assured her that she would communicate after the arrival of the friends.

Freddy’s girlfriend and sister drove to the venue. When they entered the house, Nathalie was surprised to find over 100 empty soda bottles.

Nathalie sensed something was not right and asked Freddy’s sister if there were visitors or some sort of a party in the house. Freddy’s sister kept silent and led the way into the house.

When she entered the sitting room, the people gathered there sang her happy birthday. Hit by surprise, the girl ran back out of the house, and friends ran after her and brought her back.

The house filled with singing as Nathalie rubbed her tears of joy in surprise and murmured that Freddy had lied to her that he had gone up country.

Engagement ring

Not only was Nathalie surprised by the birthday celebrations, she also received an engagement ring from Freddy! When Freddy stood up, his sister stood by his side with a small basket (agaseke).

Freddy said, "I am publicly announcing my fiancé, I want to make sure boys stop joking with my girl, she is from today booked.”

Freddy held her hand.  He took hold of his girlfriend’s left middle finger, and put on an engagement ring. He hugged his girlfriend while she wiped away her tears. The engagement ring was followed by a golden necklace placed around her neck by Freddy.

Funny or fortunately enough, Freddy could also not control his emotions.  He started dripping tears as he sat down.  Nathalie was now seriously immersed in tears over what had happened.

Though left speechless by the whole affair, she managed to say that she was ready to make Freddy happy till death did them apart. Freddy and Nathalie plan to get married later this year.

Catch you when they say their "I do’s”.
