How to: How to treat impotence

Impotence is a term most commonly connected with male erectile dysfunction, or the inability to maintain an erection. However, impotence is more of a general term that can refer to several different problems a man may have that interfere with his sexual life.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Impotence is a term most commonly connected with male erectile dysfunction, or the inability to maintain an erection. However, impotence is more of a general term that can refer to several different problems a man may have that interfere with his sexual life.

There are many causes of impotence that are either physical or psychological, and there are treatments for them in each case. It is also proved scientifically that many men, who experience healthy and active sexual lives throughout their lives experience impotence in their later years.

Recent scientific research suggests that age is one of the common causes of importance where as many men experience impotence due to diseases such as alcoholism, diabetes or multiple sclerosis.

It should be understood that impotence in the form of erectile dysfunction can be a side effect of medication. Common medications for blood pressure, depression and even appetite suppressants can have side effects that cause impotence.

Impotence in the form of erectile dysfunction can also be a result of damage to a part of the body seemingly unrelated to the male organ. However, the whole process starts from the brain.

In order to achieve an erection, brain messages must make their way to the male organ. If this process is interrupted or damaged due to injury, impotence may occur. This cause of impotence can occur to a man at any age.

Doctor Exum is psychiatry specialist working with the University teaching hospital of Butare; she says that psychological issues play a part in impotence.

According to her, Men who suffer from depression, stress, anxiety and guilt may suffer from impotence. Most likely, a man with a physical cause of impotence will suffer psychological problems such as depression and stress, compounding the problem of impotence.

Impotence can also be the result of decreased sexual desire.
Impotence, as erectile dysfunction, can only be diagnosed by a physician. Through routine blood tests and a physical examination, a doctor can rule out other diseases and causes and begin to treat impotence.

She explains that Psychotherapy may be prescribed for treatment of impotence that is psychologically related. A man who suffers anxiety during sexual intercourse or whose daily stresses are causing his impotence may benefit from this course of action.

The most common treatment for impotence is through the use of oral medication. Medications such as Viagra and Levitra relax the male organ to allow for better blood flow to the male organ.

This allows the male organ to become engorged with blood, and a man can achieve an erection. There are many side effects to the drugs, however, and they can interact unfavorably with other medications.

Other options include drug injections directly into the male organ or even a pellet that is inserted into the urethra. Again, both courses of action have side effects that should be taken into consideration.

Men who do not wish to be treated medically for impotence may try the use of a vacuum device that stimulates blood flow to the male organ or surgery.

The doctor further adds that those factors such as mental health, stress level, and psychological stability play a major role in many men’s health issues.

Many men with erectile dysfunction do not talk to the doctors about their problem so that they can be treated effectively. It is worth to understand here that difficulty with erections can be damaging to men and the health of their relationships with the partners.

Despite more understanding about the causes of erectile dysfunction, as well as a growing number of effective erectile dysfunction treatments, many men are too embarrassed and don’t get enough medical information of how to get out of the problem.

Today erectile dysfunction is a recurrent medical problem needing proper diagnosis and treatment. Dispelling the following myths about erectile dysfunction will help men and their partners to understand the condition and open channels of communications between them and medical professionals.

The diagnosis of erectile dysfunction is embarrassing to men and this is why they hesitate to contact them for medical support. It involves techniques such as taking a medical and sexual history, asking about smoking, alcohol and medications.

A standard physical examination is usually needed, and also the doctor has to take blood pressure. Laboratory tests on blood and urine helps the doctor and the patient identifies any underlying medical cause that may need treatment.
